Wp2Html News on 22nd Dec 1999
Here are the release note for Version 3.2. As always all versions
I am able to build myself, that is Windows/DOS, Aix, Solaris, Linux
are made available at the same time. Sources are also available for
the other platforms.
Wp2Html version 3.2
This is major new release which adds support for reading and converting
Microsoft Word files. Additionally the Windows/DOS version is now
only available in 32 bit form as hardware and software for this is
now the standard (i386 and Win32 or Windows 95 or later)
This means that the graphics conversion program, wpg2gif, is now
included in the Windows/DOS distribution as well as the UNIX versions
as before.
Version 3.2 Release Notes, November 99
New features
These release notes are incomplete, and not all the new features
are yet in the manual which is being rewritten.
I have however decided to release the code now, and will place the
completed manual on the web site later, so you can download it then.
Best wishes to you all for this Christmas and new millennium.
Andrew Scriven
"Brackenbeds", Lockeridge, Wiltshire, SN8 4ED, UK
Phone (44) 1793 896206, Fax (44) 1793 896251